Artfest on Wanut Sreet - Springfield, MO - 2d Place
Art in the Park - Columbia MO - 3rd Place
Snake Valley - Burlinton, IA
DOP Arts Fastival - Downtown Iowa City, IA
Iowa Arts Festival - Overland Park, KS
Waukee Arts Festival - Waukee, IA
Art Sail - Clear Lake, IA
Midwest Salute to the Arts - Fairview Heights, IL - Mayors Award
SantaCaligon Days - Independence, MO
Cedarhurst Center for rhe Arts - Mt. Vernon, Il - Best of Photography
Mosiacs - St. Charles, MO
Edwardsville Arts Festival, Edwardsville. Il - 2nd PLace
Overland Park Fall Festival, Overland Park, KS
•No Events - Covid 2019-2022
•Festivals 2018
Iowa Arts Festival - Downtown Iowa City, IA
• Festivals 2017
Art in the Park 2017 - Stephens Park, Columbia, MO
ArtFest Midwest 2017 - Des Moines, IA
Linn Creek Arts Festival - Marshalltown, IA - 1st Place Photography
Celebrate Wildwood - Wildwood, MO
SantiCaliGon - Independence, MO
Edwards Place Fine Art Fair - Springfield IL
MOSAICS Fine Art Festival 2017 - St. Charles, MO - 1st Place Photography
•Festivals 2016
Lenexa Wine and Craft Beer Festival - Lenexa, KS
Historic Valley Junction Arts Festival - West Des Moines, IA
Art in the Park - Stephens Park Columbia, MO
Smokey Hills River Festival - Salina, KS
Midsummer Arts Faire - Quincy, Il
Celebrate Wildwood - Wildwood, MO - 1st Place Photography
SantiCaliGon - Independence, MO
Mosaics - Missouri Festival for the Arts - Saint Charles, MO - Award of Recognition
Edwardsville ArtFest - Edwardsville, IL - Award of Recognition
The Grove Fest STL - St. Louis, MO
Summit Art Festival - Lee's Summit , MO
•Festivals 2015
ArtFest on Walnut Street - Springfield MO
Lenexa Wine and Craft Beer Festival - Lenexa, KS - Best in Show Award
Art in the Park - Stephens Park Columbia MO
Clara Brierly Wine, Art, Music Festival - Peculiar, Missouri - Purchase Award
ArtFest Midwest 'The Other Art Show' - Des Moines IA
National Tom Sawyer Days - Hannibal MO
Midwest Salute to the Arts - Fairview Heights, IL
SantaCaliGon Days - Independence MO
Mosaics - Missouri Festival for the Arts - Saint Charles MO - Award of Recognition
Lincoln Arts Festival - Lincoln, NE - Best in Photography Award
St. James Court Art Show - Louisville KY
Summit Art Festival - Downtown Lee's Summit MO - 3nd Place in Show Award
Fall into Art - Parkade Center - Columbia MO
•Festivals 2014
ArtFest on Walnut Street - Springfield MO
Lenexa Wine and Craft Beer Festival - Lenexa KS
Iowa Arts Festival - Downtown Iowa City, IA
ArtFest Midwest 'The Other Art Show' - Des Moines IA
>National Tom Sawyer Days - Hannibal MO
Chicago Tribune North Michigan Avenue Art Festival - Chicago IL
Linn Creek Arts Festival - Marshalltown, Iowa
SantaCaliGon Days - Independence MO
Zona Rosa - Kansas City MO
Mosaics - Missouri Festival for the Arts - Saint Charles MO
Overland Park Fall Festival - Overland Park KS
St. James Court Art Show - Louisville KY
Lees Summit Festival for the Arts - Lees Summit MO - 2nd Place in Show
Fall into Art - Parkade Center - Columbia MO
•Festivals 2013
ArtFest on Walnut Street - Springfield MO
6th Downtown Art Annual - Power and Light District | Kansas City MO
Art in the Park - Stephens Park Columbia MO
Iowa Arts Festival - Downtown Iowa City, IA - 2nd Place in Show Award
ArtFest MidWest | The Other Art Show - Des Moines IA
National Tom Sawyer Days - Hannibal MO
Let Them Eat Art - Maplewood MO
Fête des Petites Côtes | Festival of the Little Hills - St. Charles MO
SantaCaliGon Days - Independence MO
Mosiacs Festival for the Arts - St. Charles MO
Art on the Bluffs - Columbia IL
Summit Art Festival - Downtown Lee's Summit MO
Fall into Art - Parkade Plaza Columbia MO
•Festivals 2012
Wichita Art and Book Fair - Wichita KS
Art in the Park - Stephens Park Columbia MO
Smokey Hills River Festival - Salina KS
Art on the Bluffs - Columbia IL -Best of Show
Longview Art and Music Festival - Lee's Summit MO
Overland Park Fall Festival - Overland Park KS
Zona Rosa Arts Festival - Northland Kansas City MO - Best of Show
•Festivals 2009 2010 2011
Art in the Park - Stephens Park Columbia MO
•Gallery Shows 2008 2009 2010
Artlandish Gallery | Pure Gallery | Tellers | Visions
360icon • The Old Creepy House Explorers Club Antique Rural Explorations Since 2007 All Elses Passes • Art Alone Endures. K.Durk • Copyright 2007-2056 All Rights Reserved